Welcome to CommodityConsult GmbH, the Energy Consulting Company.
- Guiding the development of the firm's in-company emission trading
- Compiling an emissions inventory
- Creating a procurement and sales strategy
- Supporting operative emission trading
On January 1st 2005, certain firms within the EU began trading
emissions certificates. These firms, which are responsible for
approximately 46% of the carbon dioxide emissions within the EU,
must substantiate their carbon dioxide emissions annually with a
corresponding amount of certificates. The excess or shortage
in quantity can be bought and sold Europe-wide.
- Analysis of the possible uses of a structured procurement
- Portfolio analysis
- Creation of a structured procurement
- Market launch
- Risk management
The liberalization of the European power and gas market offers the
energy consumer the additional opportunity to distribute energy
acquisitions among diverse suppliers and products. As a result, there
is a need for suppliers to respond with new and flexible products.
- Guiding the firm during it's entry into the German and foreign markets
- Winning key customers
- Analyzing respective markets
- Supporting the firm during its operative entry
Higher costs are associated with the launch of services and products
in a new market. It is important to penetrate a market quickly, in order
to limit the launching costs. Here, the co-operation of partners within
the respective market is quite helpful.
- Short, middle and long-term price prognosis
- Price prognosis formulation as a service
- Guiding the firm in the development of prognosis tools
Recently the prices of energy on the European wholesale market have
clearly increased. For sound procurement, as well as risk-conscious
sales, an understanding of the expected developments in prices is
indispensable. Special instruments indicate how prices will change
within a particular prognostic time frame.